Does something move even in the right-wing parties in Italy? In many European countries, right-wing parties don’t want to ignore the demands of the LGBT community. In Italy this happens with a lot of delay. Often the LGBT community has been left as the exclusive pasture of left parties. At times it has even happened that left-wing parties convinced the LGBT community about the interests of the party rather than being the party interested in the LGBT community. Today we read with pleasure this news: Lega Nord (party considered right in Italy) download the candidate mayor of Pontedera (small town, 30,000 inhabitants near Pisa in Tuscany) after the statement “I have a normal family, I have no gay”. This is the party’s declaration: “the Lega, unlike other parties, has the courage and the strength to make important and complex decisions, we, for a matter of respect towards all, we believe that there are no longer the conditions to continue with this path” This today has the clamor of news, we wonder when it can be a normal behavior for conservative parties in Italy. The LGBT community would need cross-party interlocutors to get more consideration.
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Je mappel Jérôme je suis un gay résident en Afrique je suis âgé de 32ans je suis née gay et je suis célibataire et je rencontré des difficultés avec ma famille mes amies même dans mon travail à cause de ma personnalité parfois je suis agressé par les gens franchement je ne sais plus quoi fait je vous empris aidé moi car j’ai besoin de votre aide
I am Jerome I am a gay resident in Africa I am 32 years old I was born gay and I am single and I met difficulties with my family my friends even in my work because of my personality sometimes I am assaulted by people frankly I do not know what else do I help you because I need your help